目前分類:生活點滴 (67)

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     For many women, there's nothing like an enticement of beautiful clothes and luxurious bags. They are often the choice for special occasions to show their fashion and style. But in my mind, while luxurious bags and beautiful clothes are an enticing option, it might not be the necessary option. Usually, I prefer everything in moderation.

   In spite of luxurious bags' global popularity, the question constantly comes up: Is a luxurious bag necessary? The biggest concern is bad social climate, make all of young people's goals and lifestyle are chasing  the money for that.

"Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you're gonna get."


Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening雪夜停林邊

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The lunar New year is coming soon, and a big feast will be prepared for every family in the New Year eve.

Last night my husband and I  were talking about what kind of food we will prepare for New Year's Eve before sleeping.

we didn't deciede what to buy in the year.

Before the  covid-19, the extended of my husband's family more than 40 people would come to my home, we make a reservation in a restaurant, and I only prepare some fruit, snacks, tea and coffee in my living room. After lunch, they get together in the living room,  adults are seated around the table, kids walk and run around the ground , eating,talking, laughing, playing,what a blessing scene.

Because of covid, we have stoped this big party since 2019.

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  How can we live with peace of mind? It sounds easy, but most of us can't, because we can't be free from external interference and think too much. 

   This morning I went to Taiwan Business Bank to make a regular deposit, but the bank teller told me I couldn't, because my bank account was opened  in 中壢 not in 青埔. It made me uncomfortable in this highly networked time. But I thought I should let it go and  live in peace.

   Rarely do people know about a regular deposit account is not connected between different bank branches, now I learn from it.



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 "The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder"---Thomas Carlyle.

Usually, we don't scrutinize "why am I alive"? We  eat, we sleep, we work and we want to make more money, but we don't muse about" what on earth am I here for"?

When I was working, I had a strong sense of purpose, I was busy  improving  students' learning skills everyday, I made a lot of decisions and policies to reach that.  I didn't have time to think about the meaning of life? But  I have nothing to do everyday after retirement, I felt empty and meaningless, I don't know why I am alive?

It's a poor society when I was a child, working to eat is deeply in everyone's mind. I don't know how to live when I don't have to work.

Then, I went traveling around the world and studied in English class, singing class, yoga class,etc. It is almost all of my time everyday. It makes me busy and I forget to get in a bad mood.  But occasionally I still wonder what the purpose of my life is?

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How blessed I am.

Last night my husband and I went to the "Mayday" concert in Taoyuan Baseball Stadium near my home. We didn't buy the ticket which sold out within 16 minutes of starting the sale  according to Yahoo News.
We stood outside the stadium with some young people and swayed with the rhythm in the cold winter night.  I am a fun of Mayday, but my husband isn't. He still accompanied me for a while and we went around the food stands and bought some snacks home. Sometimes I think I shouldn't  take my husband's love for granted.

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Yesterday I rose with the sun.

Today I also woke up with the sun, but I lay  on the bed wrapped in a quilt. The feeling was so warm,relax, peaceful and calm. it seems a fish get into the water from the land .

I hold my pillow tight and let my thoughts flew anywhere, in the past, at this moment, in the future, thinking about friends, family, worked place, a moment of glory or sorrow and the poems of William Yeats.
Sometimes I put the video on, I enjoy the voices from studio classroom, sometimes I fall asleep again. 

 What kind of things do  I enjoy the most in a wet and cold  winter morning? I prefer tucked in the bed and wrapped in a quilt until the sunslight came in to call me to get up again and again.

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Don't miss these delicious dishes from places around the Taiwan. The rich Taiwanese famous foods are the important  reasons  why many foreigners fall in love with Taiwan.

If you are traveling across Taiwan and get hungry, try some of these mouthwatering foods!

1. Hakka stir-fry 苗栗
      It's a Hakka-style cuisine. Originated from Hakka people in 福建and廣東, because they lived in mountainous areas of South China were living in poverty, they seldom had chicken, duck, fish, and other meat to eat, only slaughter livestock during important occasions, they are  advantages of any meat with vegetables in their own garden. So Hakka stir-fry dishes were created.
 ingredient---shredded pork, dried tofu, squid, celery, green onion, are fried into a salty, spicy,oily  dish.

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Finally, Taiwan society get away from the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

The other day, my husband and I went to the Flowers Festival in DAXI.We strolled in the flower fields, it was a beautiful morning, the music was on the air, sunshine covered the flower feild, calm and free; pink, red, yellow, white…. in front of us, made my eyes so busy. Then other tourists came gradually.

There were many food stall near the field, shortly after breakfast, we didn’t want to buy any snack, but I was lured by an ice cream stall.

     我坐在花田埂旁, 品嚐著我的冰淇淋, 眼睛和腦袋可沒閒著, 欣賞一望無際,栩栩如生的花兒, 也看著一群群的遊客. 有的攜家帶眷, 有的是三兩對夫妻, 有的看得出來是社團出遊,但不管哪個團體, 全部都一個樣, 搔首弄姿在花間拍照; 有個女士擺好姿勢,同伴起鬨叫她跳一段,她就隨著大會的音樂翩翩起舞,讓相機捕捉某一個片刻,我知道這應是晨間舞蹈團體; 還有一個家庭, 兒女正拉著老母親到花欉間,孫女在一旁吆喝,手伸右邊眼睛看左邊....,好 一個幸福洋溢的畫面. 我總是告訴先生, 這幅社會富足充滿歡樂的景象, 應該比清明上河圖 有過之無不及吧. 台灣人春天追櫻逐桃,夏天看蓮賞荷, 秋天蜂擁各處花海,花蓮找金針,冬天南投尋覓寒梅,還有數不盡的音樂會及展覽會. Brimming with happyness, laughing in jubilant atmosphere, 
How Lucky we are, thinking about 50 years ago, that hard time, how poor we were, it's a long journey  that we have gone through .

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20221120_094215.jpg September is the season to eat Longan.

 I was going to plant the seed for a potted longan, so I bought some. When my husband ate the longan, his tooth was broken and spent 16000 NT dollars to install dentures. I felt so sad.

The potted longan is growing very lush now, but every time I see it, I think of my husband who has been uncomfortable for a long time and his16000 NT dollars.



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很久沒有寫部落格, 但今天心中有一些話想要說, 找不到適合的對像說這樣的話題, 所以我回到這兒, 牧自己的牛羊. 因為這兒沒幾個 Readers,也算是寫給自己看的了.

昨天去上英文課, David是我最喜歡的英文老師, 他教我們唱 The Hearse Song. 老師教我們的是Brilling唱的版本, 歌詞很有哲學味,沒這麼噁心.是外國人在萬聖節教小孩唱的歌. 但回來打開Youtube, 都是Rusty Cage的版本,歌詞把屍體在棺材裡腐爛,蟲子來來往往的情形,描寫得實在太過火,我翻譯給先生聽,他一直叫我不要說下去了, 死亡這議題,總是亞洲人的禁忌. 但面對死亡,這首歌也許要教我們瞭解實際,坦然面對.一切回歸自然.

   第一眼看到這歌詞,有點兒震驚,有點兒難受, 有點兒哀傷,又有點兒淒涼, 面對從沒去想過的現實,心情複雜起來, 有時總會問自己, 人生是什麼?
   外國人會用這題材教孩子,也讓我思索中西教育文化的差異. 我想我若是在學校教這首歌, 家長會不會抗議叫我 走路.

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     打開 youtube , 無意中發現了 "知否知否 應是綠肥紅瘦 "的標題, 因為以前讀書時候, 就很陶醉李清照的這闋詞, 忍不住點了進去, 原來是大陸歌手郁可唯的一首歌, 是大陸連續劇的主題曲, 我不喜歡追劇, 但很喜愛郁可唯的歌聲, 因此就深入瞭解這動人的歌曲.


   一朝花開傍柳      尋香誤覓亭侯       緃飲朝霞半日暉      風雨著不透

   一任宮長驍瘦      台高氷淚難流       錦書送罷驀回首      無餘歲可偷

  昨夜雨疏風驟  濃睡不消殘酒   試問捲簾人 卻道海棠依舊   知否知否 應是綠肥紅瘦

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1439897236657changed   "台中師專" 是台中教育大學的前身,民國76年台中師專改制為"台中師範學院",後來又改制為台中教育大學。但不管怎麼改,那兒是我的母校啦。

 我們這一班民國64年從"台中師專"畢業,今年是我們畢業四十週年,大夥在十二月五日校慶這一天,包括六個班級的同學準備要回學校聚一聚,由在母校服務的二位男同學在籌備。 有些期待呢!


我們六四己班的同學會上,主辦人告訴我們"畢業四十年"了。20150817_134139sss會  1398392587778


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Then,I went to foot massage by myself, my husband didn't go with me,because he don't like it. 


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  • May 13 Wed 2015 18:41
  • 豐收



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  Jeannie 給我寫信,不止一次的提到:

「Do as much as you can while you still healthy and still young, it will not always be there, I can promise you that.」一個八十歳的老人告誡六十歳的中老人.

 今天外子參加舊同事的餐會,我心想一個人do as much as I can,計劃去吃飯、喝咖啡、騎ubike、按摩,過一天貴婦生活。



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  • Dec 29 Mon 2014 18:44
  • IRobot


 第一次看到 "IRobot"是在夏威夷homedad家,每次週三吃過晚餐,homedad 就叫我們把椅子放在桌上,因為IRobot設定在第二天早上九點會自動吸塵,所以homedad家非常乾淨,當時心想回台灣也要買一個,但回來也沒積極去處理。 


  自從有了IRobot跑來跑去,家裡就乾淨多了,尤其是地毯,再也不會黏黏膩膩了 。


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