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    Black Velvet 是一首1989老掉牙的歌,  描寫貓王逝世十週年時, 作曲者在貓王故鄉紀念會上看到的一些狀況,回去後寫了這首歌頌他. 我在英文歌本裡無意中看到譜與詞, 就去you tube想熟悉它,跟者譜,看著詞,每天聽五次,聽一週.外子很喜歡這首歌的吉他間奏,他覺得很有味道,也跟著譜啍了起來, 他問我為何想學這首歌,我說因為velvet這個字老是記不起來, 看到歌名, 就想去看是啥,希望以後再也不會忘記這單字.我也很喜歡它的爵士鼓節奏,跟著搖擺,enjoy it.

   很痛苦的是有些詞,講的是啥? 中文的網站很少聊到這首歌, 有的也語焉不詳.後來想為何不用英文直接search, 果然就弄清楚了.

Mississippi in the middle of a dry spell
Jimmy Rodgers on the Victrola up high

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The hills are alive with the sound of music
With songs they have sung for a thousand years
The hills fill my heart with the sound of music

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格友Aussieglish 介紹了The sound of music裡頭的歌曲,我很喜歡,又去youtube 聽其他的歌,忙了一個早上,這首是An ordinary couple.

An ordinary couple
Is all we'll ever be,
For all I want of living

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<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pS2zOqG1sIo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

"I Can Love You Like That"

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Love Potion Number Nine

I took my troubles down to Madame Ruth
You know that gypsy with the gold-capped tooth

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I'll never let you see
The way my broken heart is hurting me
I've got my pride and I know how to hide
All the sorrow and pain

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For all those times you stood by me

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  這幾天我忙著讀 Jeannie 寄給我的"Little House in the Big  Woods",裡頭小女孩的父親唱這首耳熟能詳的歌"Yankee Doodle"給小孩聽,作者描寫了一個非常溫馨的家庭場景,讓我覺得家庭和樂是多麼不可多得的幸福.

讓我們也來聽聽"Yankee Doodle".

Yankee Doodle)是一首美國傳統歌曲,其起源可追溯至美國七年戰爭時期。今天這首歌在美國通常被當作愛國歌曲,它同時還是康乃狄克州的州歌[1]

這首歌的真正源頭仍不清楚[2]。常見的說法認為這首歌是在美國獨立戰爭以前英軍用以嘲笑殖民地居民粗俗的衣著和舉止的,而「洋基」一詞是對參加法印戰爭新英格蘭人的輕蔑之詞。這首歌的曲調很可能來自與兒歌《露茜的錢袋》(Lucy Locket),其中一個版本的歌詞可能來自於一名英國外科醫生理察·沙克伯勒(Richard Shuckburgh)[3]。雖然這首歌的歌詞帶有貶義,然而獨立戰爭期間美軍卻採用《洋基歌》作爲他們自己的歌,以表明他們對自己樸素的家紡衣著和毫不矯揉造作的舉止感到自豪。洋基歌的歌詞有許多不同版本。多年來,這首歌在美國一直被當作非正式的國歌,也是最受歡迎的兒歌。在各類電影電視動畫片中時常能聽見這首歌曲。

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   Jeannie 送我兩本書, 其中一本是 "The trumpet of the swan",我這幾天很認真的把它看完,這首"Beautiful Dreamer"就是書裡主角Louis(one of the swan) 最喜歡的一首歌,當他向他的心宜的female swan求愛時,他就吹湊它. 很慚愧swan 知道這首歌, 但我不知道.

Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me,

Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee;
Sounds of the rude world heard in the day,

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   從夏威夷回台灣的飛機上, 我看了"後會無期"的中國電影兩遍,因為第一次看完,有些地方實在搞不懂,然後我就愛上了片中的歌曲 Que Sera Sera,回家上網才知是桃樂斯黛早年的歌,用在"後會無期"的場景,實在有點難堪.

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother what will I be
Will I be pretty will I be rich
Here's what she said to me

Que Sera Sera
Whatever will be will be
The future's not ours to see
Que Sera Sera
What will be will be

When I grew up and fell in love
I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead
Will we have rainbows day after day
Here's what my sweetheart said

Que Sera Sera
Whatever will be will be
The future's not ours to see
Que Sera Sera
What will be will be

Now I have children of my own
They ask their mother what will I be
Will I be handsome will I be rich
I tell them tenderly

Que Sera Sera
Whatever will be will be
The future's not ours to see
Que Sera Sera
What will be will be
Que Sera Sera

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  • Dec 29 Mon 2014 17:55
  • Sway

When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me more

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段落 英文 中文
第一段 Joy to the world, the Lord is come!

Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare him room,

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Feed The Birds


Early each day to the steps of Saint Paul's,

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Oceans apart day after day     海洋分開我們,日復一日

And I slowly go insane    我慢慢地陷入瘋狂

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It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
With out saying a word you can light up the dark

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I'll never let you see 從不讓你看見
The way my broken heart is hurting me 心碎對我的折磨
I've got my pride 我很驕傲知道如何隱藏
And I know how to hide all my sorrow and pain 所有的傷悲跟痛苦

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  今天我和叔叔一起去吃中餐,叔叔提起這首green green grass of home,我在youtube聽這首歌,一開始聽前兩段,好溫馨的一幅畫,聽到後面,悲傷的有些不忍再聽下去。

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I Could Have Danced All Night
Bed? bed -- i couldn't go to bed
My head's too light to try to settle down
Sleep? sleep -- i couldn't sleep tonight

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A Whole New World
Lyrics:Tim Rice
Music:Alan Menken
Artist:Brad Kane&Lea Salonga

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