Jeannie 送我兩本書, 其中一本是 "The trumpet of the swan",我這幾天很認真的把它看完,這首"Beautiful Dreamer"就是書裡主角Louis(one of the swan) 最喜歡的一首歌,當他向他的心宜的female swan求愛時,他就吹湊它. 很慚愧swan 知道這首歌, 但我不知道.

Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me,

Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee;
Sounds of the rude world heard in the day,

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One of  the biggest shopping days of the year has brought out millions of bargain hunters across the world.

The day is called Black Friday Real and online stores offer discounts of up to 70 per cent on thousands of items.

It is traditionally a big shopping day in the USA, but four years ago it crossed the Atlantic and is now huge in the U.K.

It has become so popular in Britain that police had to be called to four supermarkets just after midnight on Friday (the bargains went on sale at one minute past midnight ).

Police were worried about shoppers getting crushed in the crowds.

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這位友善的先生每天守護著教堂,有一次我忘了帶筆記,向他要一張紙, 他給我一整本。我很高興兩年時間沒看到他,這次回來,他依然健康平安。20150204_085754sss


The British government has started a new project to help men manage the responsibilities of fatherhood.

Fathers will be able to attend workshops and take lessons on how to be a better father.

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