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My beauty, Do not sing for me
         (Maksim Gorky, 1868~1936)

My beauty, do mot sing for me

The songs of Georgia, of grievance:

My thoughts immediately flee

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Autumn is over the long leaves that love us,

And over the mice in the barley sheaves;

Yellow the leaves of the rowan above us,

And yellow the wet wild-strawberry leaves.

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中文歌"當你老了" 歌詞(作詞趙照)改編自 Irish poet葉慈的詩, "when you are old".

每次讀英文詩, 因為英文能力不足加上文化差異, 和讀唐詩宋詞的詩情畫意比起來, 只能用"味同嚼蠟"來形容. 

一開始當我讀"when you are old"也是沒什麼feeling , 但配上中文歌詞時, 才深刻體會英文詩的美.

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 I would be ignorant as the dawn

that has looked down

on that old queen measuring a twon

with the pin of a brooch

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Though leaves are many, the root is one;

Through all the lying days of my youth

I swayed my leaves and flowers in the sun;

Now I may wither into the truth.


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Down by the salley gardens

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     He was an old man who fished alone.

     疫情期間不能外出, 不小心就把老人與海看完了.

    學生時期好像有看了一次, ( 那時沒看好像很落伍,因為老師說那是外國人的school book), 但看的是中文版,  又沒有人生歷練,  對書中一大堆形容詞 , 應該很難深刻體會, 就是為看而看吧. 除了知道是一個老人堅毅的和海搏鬥外,對情節並沒有什麼印象. 

   現在再看它, 可以慢慢品味細膩的描述, 思考書中的一些想法. 只是我沒有漁家經驗, skiff, gaff, coiled lines, harpoon, mast, shack, filaments, rapier, 只好去GOOGLE 把圖片找出來, 否則字典查完 我還是不知它是什麼.

    書中的背景是一百多年前古巴首都哈瓦那附近的小漁村, 這讓我感觸到地球上每個角落的每個人都在用他自己的腳步生活著, 以前.., 現在...人只不過是地球上的過客,十年,...百年,...千萬年...,船過水無痕, 但透過作家的筆, 栩栩如生的描述,某些場景就變成永恆了.

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Away! Away! for I will fly to thee,

          Not charioted by Bacchus and his part,

But on the viewless wings of poesy,

          Though, the dull brain perplexes and retards:

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    這首詩, 是美國詩人愛倫坡寫的, 因為萬聖節,  David 上課時拿這來教我們, 說是美國高中生必背的課文, 其他老師上課時也會提到這首詩, 但因文化的差異, 我一天讀一段, 但只有瞭解詩, 沒有英文文學素養去享受詩的韻味.

David 問我喜不喜歡, 我答不上來, 我說 It used many ancient words, make me felt difficult. David 說不是ancient words, 是old words.

    thy 你的 ,    thee 你 ,      hath = has , yore= old ,


once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary.

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1. A Japanese travel agency that specializes in food and art tours. Now this company offers a solo wedding package.

2. There is a two-day "solo wedding"  package available through a travel agency in Japan, It's essenttially all of the glamour of a wedding without the actual ceremony. You don't even have to be in a relationship to sign up.

3. You can get to choose your own wedding gown complete with a bouguet and accessories. you can get your hair and makeup done by professionals and later your can enjoy a solo photo shoot with an expert wedding photographer.

4. you can hire a partner to have dinner with them on the first night, or you can rent a Japanese groom for the photo shoot. 

5. It's all the wedding bliss without the stress of an actual wedding.

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  • May 03 Sun 2015 15:16
  • Saying

我的朋友Jeannie跟我分享這些名言, 我也跟大家分享.

*life is tough, but I'm tougher. 我最喜歡這一句.

* That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself  with people smarter than I am.

* when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that  person continue to hurt you.

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One of  the biggest shopping days of the year has brought out millions of bargain hunters across the world.

The day is called Black Friday Real and online stores offer discounts of up to 70 per cent on thousands of items.

It is traditionally a big shopping day in the USA, but four years ago it crossed the Atlantic and is now huge in the U.K.

It has become so popular in Britain that police had to be called to four supermarkets just after midnight on Friday (the bargains went on sale at one minute past midnight ).

Police were worried about shoppers getting crushed in the crowds.

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這位友善的先生每天守護著教堂,有一次我忘了帶筆記,向他要一張紙, 他給我一整本。我很高興兩年時間沒看到他,這次回來,他依然健康平安。20150204_085754sss


The British government has started a new project to help men manage the responsibilities of fatherhood.

Fathers will be able to attend workshops and take lessons on how to be a better father.

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今天的英文功課是:A Lost City is Discovered.


  A portmanteau of "light"and "radar". Lidar is a laser-based remote sensing technology that can detect topographical features hidden under thick vegetation or even soil. In mid-June Australian archaeologists outfitted a helicopter with the technology, and over the course of seven days, crisscrossed a remote mist-shrouded mountain in Cambodia.

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     The tenth month of the year has a lot to offer.

O-Opal is the traditional birthstone for this month.

C-The calendula , or marigold is this month's flower.

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今天的英文功課是:Home of The Hamburger.


  1.It turns out there's a debate as to where and who created the first hamburger.

  1.1 Hamburgers were named after Hamburg, Germany.

  1.2 Hamburgers were named after Hamburg, New Youk.Two brothers selling sandwiches at the county fair ran out of sausage and started using ground beef.

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今天的英文功課是:Underwater Appendectomy.

談的是第二次世界大戰時, 一艘潛水艇上的一位士兵得了盲腸炎,潛水艇上沒有醫生,只有受過簡單訓練的"corpman醫護兵",沒有開刀器材,最後在全船士兵同心協力,一位機械師做了一支解剖刀,將湯匙彎成直角作為拉鉤, 抽取魚雷燃料的酒精作為消毒,醫護兵一邊對照著醫學書本,一邊替病人開了刀, 而且幸運的康復了.

1.antimicrobial sulfa tablets.抗菌磺胺片
2.hemostat surgical pincers .上血鉗
3.catgut for sutures.縫合的腸線

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今天的英文功課是: The Forest People.非洲叢林匹克米人.

"The Forest People" 是1962的一本書,作者是:蘇格蘭人Colin Turnbull.他住在the pygmies 小小的部落三年,學習他們的語言和文化.

本書談的是非洲"剛果"偏遠叢林中的The Mbuti Pygmies人.

   1962離現已經五十年了, 我很想知道The Pygmies 部落的現況是什麼?我去youtube看了一些記錄片, 2010的, 也沒太大的改變.


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今天的英文功課是:Bursting the Health Food Bubble.





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今天的英文功課是:Women in Business.


  1.In the U.S.,women own half of all publicly traded stock and are resposible for 83% of consumer spending.Having overtaken their male peers in education.

  2.It is no wonder that women are rising to the pinnacle of the traditionally male- dominated business world.

 The following is a list of well-known companies with women at the helm.

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