

 因為外子平常也參加樂團,他就就地觀摩別人的樂團,我聽了兩首:一朵花及I am yours.回家我在youtube 放這首I am yours,居然有一點六億人次聽過,以前聽的西洋歌曲大都是老歌,這首是新歌,別有一翻風味. 


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今天的英文功課:Take pictures that impress.

Are you satisfied when you look at your photographs?

Do you wish you could do better?

1.Practice, practice, practice.

  It is important to become familiar with your camera,take it everywhere,use it frequently.

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 我今天讀的英文文章是Escape from camp 14,談的是申東赫逃出北韓集中營,和美國記者合寫一本書:Escape from camp 14,描述集中營殘酷情形及逃生經過,對我來說,文章有點難,我只選讀前二段,我也escape了。

  Although North Korea officially espouses communist ideals of equality ,in reality the country has the world's most rigid caste system.

In 1957 金日成(Kim)created three broad classes divided into 51 subgroups.

In the highest "core class" are the descendents of farmers, government officials and soldiers killed while fighting the Japanese occupation or in the Korean War.

The lowest "hostile class" includes the descendants of property owners, Christians, Japanese collaborators and those whose relatives fled to the South when Kim came to power.

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  今天我們英文課的文章:Data Mining:What's the danger?

  談的是很多網路公司提供免費的網路空間給大眾用,然後再裝了"跟蹤器",搜集你的資料給廣告公司,賺取大量的廣告費,文章也建議我們把網頁瀏覽器提供的"do not track"功能啟用,就不會被跟蹤了,我問了英文班的年輕人如何操作,回家關了它,但我發現我也沒辦法在好友的Pixnet留言,只好又把它打開。真的是:There is no such thing as a free lunch。

Websites often install tracking devices such as "cookies", which allow the site owner to identify you as you move around in cyberspace.

Smartphone apps might also serve as data mining tools that track your online activity, report where you travel to, and even report who's in your contact list.

The main reason companies can afford to offer apps for free is because they can sell your resulting data. 

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39. After giving rose to others, fragrance remains with the hands.送人玫瑰, 手有餘香.

38. A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.

37. A sound mind in a sound body.健全的心靈, 在於健全身體.

36. A soft answer turns away wrath. 溫和的回答,可以平息怒氣.

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