
2013/08/21 18:34




1.yesterday wee weave most of the day. wee凌晨

2.I had brought 8 bracelets to finish with embellishment.點綴

3.dress rehearsal.彩排

4. my niece is a diplomat.外交官

5. at 900 feet elevation and so much cooler than where I live.  elevation海拔(她女兒住的地方海拔高一些,冷一些,)

6.stay permanently.永久的.(永久住女兒家,but I like where I live)

 permanently.永久的 temporary.臨時的.conservative.保守的progressive.革新的


7. to far from everything.(做什麼都嫌遠一些)

8. Lots of love your way and big hugs  to your husband.她用了新的信末的問候語




I  am so glad to hear from you, you went to Big Island and had a ralax day.
Usually  I write an article which I put on my yahoo blog 2-3 times weekly.
Several days ago, Yahoo blog announced it will close. Recently, I created a new blog on Pixnet . I am sorry that I am late in replying. Welcome to my new blog.
Say aloha to Denize , have a good day and stay healthy.


Jeannie told me:

 Been  making lahala bracelets as gifts for Xmas and my son  wants a whole bunch to sell and give one to all his lady friends。她做的手鐲漂亮吧! 


Hi Jeannie,

I am so sorry for your friends that have no home at the  moment after a big fire happened in California.

I am curious about you went kayaking. Where is the canal? I thought you were kayaking at the beach.

Today the typhoon will hit Taiwan. The powerful storm will make landfall in the north of my country and It is already heavy raining.

The government announced we must stop work after 12 o'clock today for safety reasons. But don't worry we are ready for typhoon coming.

love you Sophia. 



Hi Jeannie,

Today I read an article about "monument to undying love-Taj Mahal".

Five years ago, I went to the Taj Mahal of India with my husband.

First, I had to undergo a security check in an entrance enclosure.

Next, I walked into a big garden and I saw a large gate. I saw a very long reflecting pool in front of the Taj Mahal building. A lot of visitors near the gate were taking pictures of the reflected image.

Then, we took a walk about 10 minutes beside the pool to the building. The servant told us we had to take off our shoes before we entered the sacred areas.

I felt the builing  was very exquisite. The white marble was very bright and clean.

Finally, we went around the building several times.

Have you seen some article about the Taj Mahal?



Hi Jeeannie,
I am so sorry you have  stomach problem . I hope you are getting better now.
you told me Hawaii had some rain early am but not enough to make a difference. In southern Taiwan we had A flood disaster yesterday. A few people die. it was very terrible. But I live in northern Taiwan in safety  this time. 
your daughter is learning Hawaii language, I learned a little bit of the Hawaiian language when I was in Hawaii language school. I felt it was interesting but difficult. I hope your daughter's Hawaiian language  better soon。 



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