今天的英文功課:The strange Case of the Drug Smuggling physicist.



  1.After his wife divorced him,however, he found himself very lonely at age 64 and turned to internet dating sites.

  2.He desiring children, the aging scientist would seek a wife between age 18-35, as that is the period when women are most fertile. 

3.In November 2011 he met the famous Czech bikini model Denise Milani on "Matel .com", They chatted daily via Yahoo.Messenger for months.

4. She invited him to fly to Buenos Aires for her next photo shoot.

5.He waited for her in a hotel in Buenos Aires for 4 days.

6.Bad news came that she told him relocated to Burssels.

7. She asked if he would bring a suitcase that she had left behind on a previous trip.

8.After checking the suitcase at the airport,then policemen showed him the hidden compartment that housed two kilos of cocaine.


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