那天Jeannie說要開車載我去North Shore,我心想路途這麼遠。結果她一路開,一路停下給我介紹景點,最後開到Chinaman's Hat,我們在沙灘上走走玩玩,就沒繼續開,轉頭開回家了。
Chinaman's Hat,因為這小島形狀很像斗笠,就說是中國男人的帽子。它的原名是Mokolii,這景點是我上次沒有來的景點。
Chinamam's Hat旁邊的山,非常獨特, 一條一條的像刀子一樣。
Mokoliʻi translates from Hawaiian as "little lizard." According to Hawaiian mythology, the island is the remains of a Giant Lizard's or Dragon's tail that was chopped off and tossed into the ocean by the goddess Hiʻiaka. (Note there are no lizards native to Hawaii.) The common name of Chinaman's Hat derives from its likeness to theAsian conical hat.