Finally, Taiwan society get away from the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

The other day, my husband and I went to the Flowers Festival in DAXI.We strolled in the flower fields, it was a beautiful morning, the music was on the air, sunshine covered the flower feild, calm and free; pink, red, yellow, white…. in front of us, made my eyes so busy. Then other tourists came gradually.

There were many food stall near the field, shortly after breakfast, we didn’t want to buy any snack, but I was lured by an ice cream stall.

     我坐在花田埂旁, 品嚐著我的冰淇淋, 眼睛和腦袋可沒閒著, 欣賞一望無際,栩栩如生的花兒, 也看著一群群的遊客. 有的攜家帶眷, 有的是三兩對夫妻, 有的看得出來是社團出遊,但不管哪個團體, 全部都一個樣, 搔首弄姿在花間拍照; 有個女士擺好姿勢,同伴起鬨叫她跳一段,她就隨著大會的音樂翩翩起舞,讓相機捕捉某一個片刻,我知道這應是晨間舞蹈團體; 還有一個家庭, 兒女正拉著老母親到花欉間,孫女在一旁吆喝,手伸右邊眼睛看左邊....,好 一個幸福洋溢的畫面. 我總是告訴先生, 這幅社會富足充滿歡樂的景象, 應該比清明上河圖 有過之無不及吧. 台灣人春天追櫻逐桃,夏天看蓮賞荷, 秋天蜂擁各處花海,花蓮找金針,冬天南投尋覓寒梅,還有數不盡的音樂會及展覽會. Brimming with happyness, laughing in jubilant atmosphere, 
How Lucky we are, thinking about 50 years ago, that hard time, how poor we were, it's a long journey  that we have gone through .

***Before Covid-19,every morning, there were several exercise group like  外丹功 太極拳 土風舞 毛巾操 羽毛球  dotted in the school playground, and some other people take a walk circle the side of it. This beautiful scene is always in my mind. but for three years, those groups have never been returned,  even though Covid almost has gone. I felt so sad, so I wrote an email to Taoyuan city government to ask them to open the school palyground for regular people to exercise. They sent me back an email saying that the school playground has been opened since August 19 2022. I am thinking about what to do, then all of the elderly people can go back to school to exercise. What a blissful and beautiful scene in the school in the every morning. How lucky we are, we can do anything we want to do in Taiwan society.



**The high clouds moved quickly in the gray sky in the early morning today. I am not forecast person, I still thought it would rain. but later, the sun came out with bright sunshine and strong wing .

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