"The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder"---Thomas Carlyle.

Usually, we don't scrutinize "why am I alive"? We  eat, we sleep, we work and we want to make more money, but we don't muse about" what on earth am I here for"?

When I was working, I had a strong sense of purpose, I was busy  improving  students' learning skills everyday, I made a lot of decisions and policies to reach that.  I didn't have time to think about the meaning of life? But  I have nothing to do everyday after retirement, I felt empty and meaningless, I don't know why I am alive?

It's a poor society when I was a child, working to eat is deeply in everyone's mind. I don't know how to live when I don't have to work.

Then, I went traveling around the world and studied in English class, singing class, yoga class,etc. It is almost all of my time everyday. It makes me busy and I forget to get in a bad mood.  But occasionally I still wonder what the purpose of my life is?

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How blessed I am.

Last night my husband and I went to the "Mayday" concert in Taoyuan Baseball Stadium near my home. We didn't buy the ticket which sold out within 16 minutes of starting the sale  according to Yahoo News.
We stood outside the stadium with some young people and swayed with the rhythm in the cold winter night.  I am a fun of Mayday, but my husband isn't. He still accompanied me for a while and we went around the food stands and bought some snacks home. Sometimes I think I shouldn't  take my husband's love for granted.

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Yesterday I rose with the sun.

Today I also woke up with the sun, but I lay  on the bed wrapped in a quilt. The feeling was so warm,relax, peaceful and calm. it seems a fish get into the water from the land .

I hold my pillow tight and let my thoughts flew anywhere, in the past, at this moment, in the future, thinking about friends, family, worked place, a moment of glory or sorrow and the poems of William Yeats.
Sometimes I put the video on, I enjoy the voices from studio classroom, sometimes I fall asleep again. 

 What kind of things do  I enjoy the most in a wet and cold  winter morning? I prefer tucked in the bed and wrapped in a quilt until the sunslight came in to call me to get up again and again.

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Autumn is over the long leaves that love us,

And over the mice in the barley sheaves;

Yellow the leaves of the rowan above us,

And yellow the wet wild-strawberry leaves.

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中文歌"當你老了" 歌詞(作詞趙照)改編自 Irish poet葉慈的詩, "when you are old".

每次讀英文詩, 因為英文能力不足加上文化差異, 和讀唐詩宋詞的詩情畫意比起來, 只能用"味同嚼蠟"來形容. 

一開始當我讀"when you are old"也是沒什麼feeling , 但配上中文歌詞時, 才深刻體會英文詩的美.

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