今天的英文課,我們讀的是:Pro Athletes go broke.
不善理財(finanacially illiterate)~"奢侈過日子"加"賭"是主要原因.你很難想像年收入千萬美金的球員,是月光族吧.(live paycheck to paycheck)
我的感想是: 「錢,不是你賺多少,而是你怎麼用.」
I saw an ESPN documentary called 30 for 30: Broke. It's about how common it is for Pro athletes to lose their money.It is the worst in NFL: within two years of retiring,78% of players have gone bankrupt of are having financial problems. And in the NBA, 60% of players are broke within five years.
2. It's similar to lottery winners. About 70% squander their winnings within a few years.
3. They are all trying to keep up with the Joneses by buying the sports car, yachts, mansions, and the bling.
4. A lot of them are financially illiterate and some of them have never even opened a bank account before. So they rely on their agent to take care of their financial affairs.
5. A lot of players get talked into making bad investment.
6.you can live like a king for a year, or live like a prince forvevr.
blow one's money.浪費錢.
live paycheck to paychenk.
keep up with the joneses.比較,不想輸人.
financial illiterate.