今天的英文功課是:Underwater Appendectomy.

談的是第二次世界大戰時, 一艘潛水艇上的一位士兵得了盲腸炎,潛水艇上沒有醫生,只有受過簡單訓練的"corpman醫護兵",沒有開刀器材,最後在全船士兵同心協力,一位機械師做了一支解剖刀,將湯匙彎成直角作為拉鉤, 抽取魚雷燃料的酒精作為消毒,醫護兵一邊對照著醫學書本,一邊替病人開了刀, 而且幸運的康復了.

1.antimicrobial sulfa tablets.抗菌磺胺片
2.hemostat surgical pincers .上血鉗
3.catgut for sutures.縫合的腸線

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今天的英文功課是: The Forest People.非洲叢林匹克米人.

"The Forest People" 是1962的一本書,作者是:蘇格蘭人Colin Turnbull.他住在the pygmies 小小的部落三年,學習他們的語言和文化.

本書談的是非洲"剛果"偏遠叢林中的The Mbuti Pygmies人.

   1962離現已經五十年了, 我很想知道The Pygmies 部落的現況是什麼?我去youtube看了一些記錄片, 2010的, 也沒太大的改變.


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今天的英文功課是:Bursting the Health Food Bubble.





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今天的英文功課是:Women in Business.


  1.In the U.S.,women own half of all publicly traded stock and are resposible for 83% of consumer spending.Having overtaken their male peers in education.

  2.It is no wonder that women are rising to the pinnacle of the traditionally male- dominated business world.

 The following is a list of well-known companies with women at the helm.

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今天的英文功課是:The warrior diet.


1.The Warrior Diet premise is that humankind has been inherently programmed over thousands of years to eat atnight.

2.Our ancestors  never had the opportunity to eat like we do today, 24/7, and he thinks it is just not good for us

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