I would be ignorant as the dawn

that has looked down

on that old queen measuring a twon

with the pin of a brooch

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Though leaves are many, the root is one;

Through all the lying days of my youth

I swayed my leaves and flowers in the sun;

Now I may wither into the truth.


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Down by the salley gardens

Sophia 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

Don't miss these delicious dishes from places around the Taiwan. The rich Taiwanese famous foods are the important  reasons  why many foreigners fall in love with Taiwan.

If you are traveling across Taiwan and get hungry, try some of these mouthwatering foods!

1. Hakka stir-fry 苗栗
      It's a Hakka-style cuisine. Originated from Hakka people in 福建and廣東, because they lived in mountainous areas of South China were living in poverty, they seldom had chicken, duck, fish, and other meat to eat, only slaughter livestock during important occasions, they are  advantages of any meat with vegetables in their own garden. So Hakka stir-fry dishes were created.
 ingredient---shredded pork, dried tofu, squid, celery, green onion, are fried into a salty, spicy,oily  dish.

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111年10月8日 我在南投青螢露營區露營 3天2夜.


    青螢露營區離日月潭開車要15分鐘, 網路上看園區草皮很綠, 風景不錯, 就選擇這裡. 但空拍的圖 ,旁邊有一條看起來不小的路, 原本以為是繁忙的大馬路 還好只是一條沒有出口的山路 晚上根本沒有車輛出入, 很寧靜.

     青瑩露營區, 旁邊有一條小溪經過, 難能可貴的是溪水清澈, 沒有一點汙染 ,這兒標榜春天看螢火蟲 ,但我們秋季來 ,晚上還是看到了幾隻.
晚上帳棚沒有電腦, 沒有電視, 瀏覽一下手機, 然後伴著這兒的蟲鳴聲睡著了, 但半夜被動物吼聲叫醒, 第二天老闆娘說是山羌的叫聲.

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